Erotic stories of Ruth Anne

Profile page of Ruth Anne. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Ruth Anne wrote 2 erotic stories which have been read 15.8K times

Incest | 2
2 6
2022-02-27 12:07:21
2022-02-13 23:33:05
Fuck buddyMy husband fucks me good. He has a very nice seven-and-a-half-inch cock that is decently thick. He also has good stamina and is a wiz with a dildo. He will also let me try almost anything I want. But, he never really has just fucked me and used me for his benefit. My husband always stops short of using me as a cum dump. I'm joy saying we don't have a good sex life. Because we do. But, that's it. It's just a good sex life. Not a great sex life. But, our son Kyle on the other hand is hu...reading time 7 mingenre
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Submissive momI'm a slut and I love being a slut. When I was married I always tried to get nasty with my husband and have him treat me like a slut. He would get a little dirty. But, he would never just control me and use me. We had decent to good sex. But, never great sex. He never had it in him to just use my body for his pleasure. That is part of the reason we got divorced I think. Besides, we started dating young and I got pregnant young. It was just a recipe for disaster from the beginning. ...reading time 19 mingenre
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